Wednesday, June 13, 2012

forgot to share this one ha ha


how the time just flies... crap haha.  So number one......  I got a new comp in my area!!!!  but i forgot the photo... sorry.  His name is Elder Perez.  he is from the jungle of Peru.  He is really calm and is a super hard worker!!!!  ah por fin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I learned this week the miracles that you can see when your comp wants to work and both missionaries want to put there full effort.  I have never been more tired in my life but it has been more rewarding than any other time in my mission so far.  Elder Aquino, my old comp would complain about how the ward is bad and that its hard to work.  ya its true, but only if you look at it that way.  I have learned to have a new point of view haha.  Im looking at everything more optimistically now.  there is only one thing that we need to fix....  a ward member that honestly, because of him and his mouth and many other things, he is the reason the work can be held back here.    but hey i cant do anything about it haha...  i just have to in the words of the madagascar penguins, smile and wave. just smile and wave.  

So last week, with elder aquino, the vago, we only had 2 new investigators.  with Elder Perez, we now have found 12 other people to teach and help find christ.  that is just one...  there are many many many improvements haha.  Im just super happy with the work and how it is going here now.  

So grandma, details about everything.1.  I received the sobes.  ahhhhhh they were awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  thank you so much for those, honestly.2.  I have received every movie that you have sent and wow.  how powerful and awesome is the Emma Smith Movie.  Thank you for each one of those.  Each one will help in one way or another with furthering the work honestly.  whether it is to further my understanding to teach better or to help directly the investigators.3.  the treats.  all have come safe and sound. I have enjoyed each one of those cookies other than 4.  But 3 of the other 4 elders enjoyed them just as much.  I know that this sounds bad, but i hate when latin elders come snooping around and beg for your food.  they dont appreciate anything and in all honesty, im never giving one a homemade cookie again.  But the American Elders, ya they understand the amazingness of the cookies.  Thank you from each one who took a bite from those wonderful treats.  So it would be cool by the way to receive more peanut butter m&ms and more variety.  honestly grandma i will enjoy whatever you guys send.  oh im using the lazy tie at this instant because we are going to play soccer like usual haha and i just want to change fast :)  

So before my time is up i just want to say to every father that reads this HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (one day late)  Thank you for everything that each one of you have done to help me get where I am today.  I am eternally grateful for each person that has influenced me to come to this point in my life.  I would not give anything else to be a missionary.  I cant even imagine myself home right now.  I just couldnt do it with what i know now and what ive done in these short 9 months.  wow 9 months...  hey the next home coming will be mine in the ward huh?  weird...  Its weird to look at the blog and see one missionary on it who is now in his home.  he became one of my really good friends over the past 2 months and a half.  its crazy how fast time goes in life.  Well, im out of time like every week but thats ok.  Im more excited to be working here now with Elder Perez.  we are working our butts off to change everything here to be a better area than it has been for 6 months.

Love you all so much!!!!!Elder Spencer

These photos were on Elder Spencer's Mission Presidents Blog.  There was a Mission Conference in his area just after he arrived in Chimpote.

Blessing in Peru

Wow...  I cant believe its another Lunes...  haha.  So ya I dont know really a lot I can report on but hey here is a recording about the 5 people that we have to teach that really are worth mentioning at this time. 

All I can say is that we are going to have a baptism this Saturday!!!  A young man.  He is super excited and I really feel that he is more excited to be able to help with the Sacrament.  

Thats algo that I would like to say...  Dont forget what a blessing it is to have the Priesthood in our lives.  and more than that, Im so grateful to have the Melchezidec Priesthood in my house and pretty much all around me back home.  Here, There are many but I am just sad for all of the others who do not want or are not worthy to hold such a holy authority.  I thought a lot at church.  We have one young man that is active.  16 or 17 years old and only a teacher....  How sad... He could so easily talk with the bishop to be ordained to a priest.  I really am suprised that it is so easy to stop on the line of progression.  dont stop.  Dont ever stop. continue on until the end.  

Thats my rambling for the week.  sorry i dont have more to send.  Im going to try to think really hard for things that happened this week to let you know. 

LOVE YOU GUYS so much!!!!

Elder Sam Spencer