Tuesday, February 21, 2012

yet another computer messing up my camera.... oh well....

so how is everyone doing this week? I cant believe its pday already haha. So this week has been... well interesting... we had an investigator drop us. I at first was devistated but later on in the lesson, it was the most powerful thing i ever had happen... I have been like in lessons and for me ive felt the spirit so strong when im bearing testimony. idk its so weird. Its so awesome in all honesty.

so my companion now is a gringo. if you didnt know. we are able to talk in english and we do... alot haha. we are trying when we are out walking to talk in spanish but sometimes we flip to english and comment on peoples responses for us when we come by or when we dont know what to teach we do as well.

This week, we had a Noche Misional which is just a mission night. pretty much for mutual we go to the church and try to have a ton of investigators show up for it. it was a lot of fun. in our lesson in it i got to be the Espiritu Santo or in english, the holy ghost haha. ya that was fun haha.

So today, i decided it was time that i got some movies for p days. I spent 4.50 soles on 3 movies. how to train your dragon, tangled, and kung fu panda 2. haha i need the first one as well but when it hits pdays and we need movies im set. its great that its not against the law here to download stuff and if it was well... just like traffic laws they just dont care.

so idk much of what to write and i dont get much time. i have a letter that im planning on sending that really is like in depth haha its kinda funny thinkin about it. I think we are going to central today so we can probably send it.

I love you guys so much and I cant believe 5 months... man times flying

Love you all!!!!!

Elder Sam Spencer

Monday, February 13, 2012

My first major rain storm HA HA

haha this is the crazy week. I need time here to write it all. So first off, Monday night we had family home evening with a member that had made sandwiches. we cant eat lettuce. there was lettuce on some of them but not all. we asked which ones didnt have it. it wasnt on the 4 different rolls. so we grabbed those. I took a couple bites and tasted something disgusting. ya it was lettuce. I pulled it off and ate the rest.... badddddddd mistake.... I had diareha or however to spell it for a week. I actually just got better today. Tuesday we ate pizza for Elder Pillajos goodbye. He left and now he is a zone leader. Tuesday night it rained. Now this wasnt normal Peruvian rain. No it was an actual rain storm. And I learned how terrible my roof was that night. It was 2 30 in the morning and Elder Pillajo had turned the light on... way to wake me up from like the crazy dreams of my nights. So he had turned on the light and had flipped his bed up. Water was leaking on his bed. I kinda laughed and rolled over. Next thing I know, My foot and head are getting hit by water... so I flipped my bed up and we both went and slept on the couch. At 6 in the morning i got woken up by water and my stomach... We woke up to the room.... COMPLETELY FLOODED....... it ruined my Preach my Gospel, Predicad mi Evangelio (same thing just spanish) among other stuff.So Wednesday was changes and I got my new companion. Wait for it.... another North American!!! His name is Elder Johnson. He is from Layton and only has 10 months in his mission. But this is the thing with it. I was the one staying in my area. this means yes im running my area. I felt super retarded the little bit with Elder Pillajo but now im getting a lot better at planning and doing a lot. My comp is also district leader again. He is a really hard worker. I like it. hahaSo Thursday we had our meetings for the zone and district. It was fun and that night we had a talent show. I dont have talents so I kinda made a fool of myself. We had a star face hat that I put on. Ya it was fun. So Friday we had interviews with the President. wow the fastest interview ever with him. He told me after i had told him about the room he said we should find a new room. we are thinking about a place right next door to our pension haha wow we are lazy =) So in the interviews i bought a new predicad mi evangelio and 2 hours later, got that soaked... so in 3 days i went through 4 different preach my gospels...So on Sunday I had the opportunity to give a talk in church. with a day warning and of course in spanish. it went alright, It was super short about missionary work. So today this morning, we got to go to Huanchaco and play beach volleyball with another zone, the office missionaries, and President and Hermana Turk and her sisters. Ya I have pictures of course. So that was my week. Im out of time. haha I love you guys so much and Im doing great honestly!!!! LOVE YOU ALLSam