Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My address

Hey everyone, if you would like to write me here is the best way to send me a letter. Go to
Dearelder.com create yourself an account. Enter the mission, which is Trujillo, Peru. Then put my name in Elder Sam Spencer. These letters are free to send and are sent pouch mail to me. I will try to respond to your letter if time permits. I try to keep up on this blog but I am very busy engaged in the work.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wow... Im through one change in the mission field and one holiday season... wow... haha. so I have a lot to write and a second email to write so its time to write quick haha. So the first thing is that the green eggs and ham book was hilarious. I shared it Christmas Eve. Us North Americans and my comp got a good laugh out of it. Its so true about everything and every mission honestly. And also the music book did make it. I honestly dont think the package was even opened. I got it on the 23rd of December. Mail works weird. My zone leaders go once a week to the office, we live like 15 minutes by taxi from the mission office. So I get mail quite often. probably more than the missionaries in Juaraz and Chimbote, sad... The part about mail, Idk how it works but i finally today got a pouch letter from grandma dated the 29th of November and also a dearelder from Anamarie and Sherri, also dated the same day so Idk honestly dont know how it all works... maybe my pensionista had it in their drawer cause i had forgotten it or something another week and they finally remembered to get it to me. Idk honestly. So the fastest way honestly to get me anything is suprisingly through the normal mail I think. Im gonna ask about them to my zone leaders tonight at dinner. So question, is Caden (Albrecht) taking Spanish?Oh also more with pouch mail. I can only send one letter a month so instead of spending 2.50 per letter, im going to write letters and send them in a packet to the house and then if you guys can dispense the letters to their owners that´d be great. So last thing. I dont think you every plan on walking into a chapel in Trujillo, Peru and seeing someone from Burley Idaho, much less one of your best friends cousins. Colby May, Andrews cousin, is serving in this mission as well. He got in the MTC 6 weeks before me. It was really awesome to see him and be able to talk about home with him for a little bit (It was Pday, its the day that Im allowed to be trunky and talk about home haha. In my rule book.)Well, thats about it for the past week except that I didnt really do a lot. My comp was sick... Or I should say his stomach has been hurting. I think that he was kinda fakin it or overexaggerating it but i just think its that us as Americans deal with crap a lot better than Latinos do. Haha so ya that was my week.

I love you guys so much!!!Sam

So like usual, im on a crappy computer but whatever. I can at least send emails and like almost be texting again its really cool. So The calls on Sunday were awesome! I loved getting to see everyone haha. Nickolas youre still the same always running around haha. How is skiing? So funny thing my call with my dad, 20 or 25 minutes with the time trying to get the headphones that worked, the call with my mom and grandma, 40 minutes. ya i went over just a bit on my minutes. but my zone leader is pretty cool and didnt care, he was there for the call with my mom and grandma and grandpa. So I forgot to talk about my super spiritual experience. I was teaching a family, their last name is Horna, about prayer and the holy Ghost. They are like 75 and 70 with a kid that died when he was only 30. after the lesson, they started going off saying how they liked listening to the us talk with them but that they werent going to change their religion. I had this powerful urge, more powerful than I have ever felt in my life I think. I cut one of them off and said, do you believe that their is a prophet receiving revelation today for us? they said yes. I then said, do you believe that you can see and live with your son again? they said yes. I then bore the most powerful testimony that I ever have. And I didnt stumble with spanish like normal. Honestly this story wouldve been better over Skype but it was amazing. and now im back to stumbling haha. So for Christmas Eve, we as a zone met in my pensionistas house and ate turkey some kind of roll, ice cream and this bread called planeton. It was good but i feel like something was wrong with the cooking. so als really quick all we did for the day was share like 5 to 10 minute messages with members and less actives.

Love you all so muchSam