Friday, June 7, 2013

Enjoying the Churros

Well, this week what happened.... hmmn....  im not so sure what... haha  It was a really common week this time....  It wasnt as cool as usual haha.  One thing that did happen was we had a multi zone meeting.  I saw some of my friends, but not all of them.  Its so weird to think that so many of my friends are ending their missions really soon.  Everytime now that we have changes, some of my friends here in the mission go home....  weird.....  We have two weeks left in this change and then there goes my companion.  Then comes the longest change of my mission of 8 weeks...  wow.... Idk if I will be able to do it haha.  No it will all work out.  Im kinda sad that this week I really dont have much to let you all in on. Oh ya.  I forgot haha.  We had a work visit on Friday.  I went with Elder Dow.  He is from Sin City haha.  Yep straight from Vegas.  He is really cool.  He is super focused on the mission and helping people get baptized.  He has a lot to learn, but that is why he is training a new missionary right now.  I went with him to see what I could do to help him out as a trainer even though I have never trained in my mission... hmmmnnn...... maybe my last two changes.... hmmmmm..... who knows haha....  So that was actually really fun with him.  We decided that we wanted churros.... dang.... the churros we bought were so good that we had to buy another.... and..... another.... ya it was demasiado in one day but awesome haha.  Well  Im sorry that its on the shorter side this week much more than this didnt happen.  Im just looking for how to better our area everyday.  So any suggestions haha.  No just a joke haha.

Love you all,

Elder Sam Spencer