Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 12, 2011

Dear Family and friends,

Okay, so this week is pretty good. Last week on "P-day" I bought a soccer ball so my exercise, when I can get myself out of bed is messing with the soccer ball. It is a lot of fun--haha. Anyway, I will try to answer some questions. I live in a house and it is just my companion and me. There's no carpet, so I actually have to use a towel to dry my feet. Every day is different. I have not gotten the package or pouch mail yet. I get mail only once a week. Lucky for me, I eat with the Zone Leaders and they're awesome! They give me my mail early like on Thursday or Friday instead of Tuesday of the next week in our zone and district meetings. My companion is the District Leader and our district consists of my companion, me, and four hermanas (sisters in Spanish). The zone is made up of our two zone leaders and another district of six elders.

In our house the roof is...I don't know exactly, but it rained like Friday I think and my bed got wet. It was really funny while walking to our pensionistas home to eat cause my companion had his sweater and a jacket and I only had my shirt. Everyone like runs and hides from the rain and like it's hated here. I love it...haha. Another thing--our house has a door that locks to our actual room the lock sucks, so we have run floss through the door to pull the lock open from the inside. It's pretty ____(insert your own word here of your liking) rigged. The power has been out all weekend which sucks. With no power the water is literally like 33 degrees--it's cold. I only washed my hair yesterday and quite honestly haven't showered today--it's terrible! I have gotten a new hobby though. I have started sealing letters to one of my friends in the mission with a wax seal. Yes, pressing and everything --it's hilarious. I would send one to you guys, but the problem is that idk (I don't know) if it can go through the mail...haha.

I had the bishop come to me and ask me how the youth are in our ward and how to keep them interested in mutual and stuff like that. I was taken aback by this and have been thinking about it. Grandpa, any ideas?

So, Nickolas (Sam's 12-year-old brother), you lucky duck! (Nickolas goes skiing with Grandpa Spencer along with the other grandkids that are 12 years and older). I want to see snow so bad and you get to ski three times a week!!!! Oh well, it's okay. In two years we'll be snowboarding!

My mission president has been in for just over a year and I will say that he definitely is called of God. I love him to death already. I have only had one normal interview and another over the phone and one with him at my request. This coming Thursday I have another one (I think those are about every six weeks--not sure).

I'm really excited for this Wednesday. I get to meet with all of the elders and sisters I came from the MTC with again for a meeting with the president for more training. I swear all you do in your mission is train and train. I'm not done with training till after the first three months here. Well, I have one down and two more to go. I will figure out the other stuff and write in a letter.

The problem with pouch mail is we can only send one letter a month by pouch--it's dumb! But, hey, I think my time is up so I will go and I'm just gonna write letters and send them all at once in like a pouch. We can only go to Serpost with our entire district and my district doesn't like to. It sucks so I think next week we will possibly go and I will send all my letters in once package.

I love you guys so much and can't wait for Skype on Christmas Day. I'm going to make two calls--one to my dad with his family and one to my mom.

I love you all,


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